Who is Bella?

Hey, as you already know, my name is Bella. I love dogs, swim and I play 3 instruments. Piano, Sax, and guitar.

I have brown hair and blue eyes, and don’t worry about me snapping at you. I am a very nice person, and I accept my mistakes, any comments, or advice. If something bothers you as you read, don’t worry, just be sure to let me know 🙂


4 Responses to Who is Bella?

  1. gossip girl says:

    ok thanks. love you.

    xoxo elizabeth ann musser

  2. Haze Craze says:

    What is your blog going to be about? A fashion blog, story blog, diary-type blog, combination?

  3. Randy Dandy says:

    Whoah! The sax is the cool instrument! Your blog is BEAUTIFUL!

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